Saturday, October 27, 2007

What is next in Laascanood? A response

What is next in Laascanood? A response

Somaliland national army recent victory over Puntland militia gave Siadists one more opportunity to display their delusional take on Laascaanood. If you read Muhsin Mahad piece, you cannot help but be both amazed and disappointed by the extent Siadists remnants exploit local situations to settle old scores. Case in point, instead of talking of Laascanood current situation, Mr Mahad opens his piece by revisiting Somaliland liberation history and emphatically concludes only USC was instrumental in Siad Barre demise while “SNM was …nothing more to the Siyad Regime than irritating pinpricks.” Besides its obvious irrelevancy, this laughable claim owes noting to historical correctness. If SNM was such a weak movement, why did Siad felt the need to call in South African mercenaries? And why did it take Aideed a mere two month to overthrow Siad dictatorship if the mighty Somali army was not destroyed in the North? Renewed discussion of past events generally are of limited value to solve current problems, but if someone is keenly interested in 1988-1990 military campaigns in Somaliland, he should refer, among other documents, to the thorough and non partisan account produced by Canada after the killing of a Somali boy by Canadian troops. The Report of the Somalia Commission of inquiry makes no mention of “SNM killing unarmed and defenceless non-Isaaq civilians” so central to Muhsin and Siadists mythology. Instead the report contends that Siad ”unable to defeat the guerrillas, the army killed tens of thousands of civilians in northern towns”. Numerous others evidencecould be quoted but this source have the added convenience of sitting right on my shelves.

Muhsin Mahad opening statement about Siad Barre fall set the stage for equally deceptive comments on Laascanood. Indeed, the author repeatedly tries to convey the idea that recent developments in Laascanood account to no more than a simple invasion of a clan by another one .Wording this effect is therefore obsessive with the word invasion used 12 times and clan receiving 11 mentions. However, repeating over and over a lie will had never made it true and Muhsin elucubrations are simply reflecting a deep disappointement following the swift defeat of what he used to call ”Puntland gallant forces.” (the relatives of those killed by this militia in Cagare or inside jails are still looking for any subtle sign of galantery).

In order to set the record straight, I would have to restate the obvious for everyone. Contrary to Siadists assertions, Laascanood has never been a hotbed of support for Puntland since Laascanooders for the best part of the last decade have been divided among Puntland and Somaliland supporters, some over them (including several proeminent political) shifting allegiances. This said, as a Laascanood native deeply interested in his hometown political plight, I find offensive when Siadists like Muhsin suggest otherwise when there is absolutely no element of truth to their assertions. Indeed, there is a considerable duplicity in Muhsin Mahad charade about clan invasion. Without rehearsing at length the list of Puntland abuses again Laascanood, it is a common knowledge among fellow Lascanooders that the crux of the matter is that we finally became tired of holding the bag. In the face of, the full fledge exploitation of their region (Holl Holl resources sold of and proceeds helping build an airport in Garowe), the imperatives created by extrajudicial killings, the multiples humiliations and the general state of their hometown, more and more Laascanooders began gradually looking towards Somaliland. Then the final impetus to the last week liberation came when Puntland militia killed two unarmed civilians and susquently opened fire on Xaabsade house. And Lascanood decided, in both its civilian and military component, to get rid of the occupier too busy stealing its resources and buying million dollar houses in Dubai. Siadists can claim clan invasion but people in the ground are well aware of the above reality.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The like of Muhsin will be hard pressed to convince Laascanooders when Puntland is professing more hostiliy and contempt towards them. Indeed, Garowe is cashing in the plight of our refugees. Puntland prevented any Lascanood from entering in Garowe while at the same time appealing for international help in order to alleviate its supposed burden. At the same time, Somaliland is coping with refugees in Buhoodle with virtually no international assistance and, at the same time, decided to create a new national tax to help Lascanood. And When Radio Garowe is busy scarring off people by announcing imminent attacks, Somaliland forces are helping locals opening up roads and returning to normalcy.

Only Allah knows what tomorrow will look like but Laascaonders, upon which exploitation and abuse have been imposed for years by Puntland, but Laascanooders will not easily relinquish their new found freedom. We remember the time when two young unarmed men were killed with impunity inside a jail when at the very same time all our Garaads were attending the burial of the Islaan in Garowe. The time when Lascanood was governed by vizirs appointed by Garowe is gone, the time where Afqudhac was prohibited from attending his Garaad burial is gone. And for all their shortcomings Xaabsade, Sandulle and the new team charge, should be traded in with the old Puntland puppets.

Mohamed Sougal

Monday, October 15, 2007

All Lascanooders are winners

All Lascanooders are winners

Finally the exciting news we where hoping for come through the
newsfeed early morning. Laaska was finally free. But sadly, one more time,
Majertenia ragtag tag militia terrorized my birthplace before fleeing.
Two weeks ago, two civilians were killed in the aftermath of their bloody
defeat at the hands of Sool freedom fighters and Somaliland national
army . Today, Garowe militia bullet sprayed Xaabsade house located in a
densely populated area of Lascanood.

My sincere congratulations to the Sool freedom fighters and
Somaliland national army. Also to those who kept the hope alive, Fuad Aden
Cadde, Ali Sandulle, Dhakool, Baashe…

To my fellow Lascanooders, I would like to say that we are all
winners. From now on, our men will not be killed inside Garowe jails and
murderers let free. From now on, our natural resources will not be sold out
to obscure Aussie companies and the proceeds help build Garowe
airport. From now on, taxes will not be collected in Lascanood and devoted to
build Bossaso airstrips. From now on, local NGO operating Lascanood
will not receive confidential notes telling them not to hire Sool
inhabitants. For all the above reasons, we, Lascanooders, are all winners

Dear fellow Lascanooders, liberation, no matter how joyful, should
not obscure the difficult road ahead. Years of Majertenia occupation have
ruined the city and corrupted our soul. For example, Lascanood is the
only Somaliland city were people are roaming the streets with guns and
differences settle sometimes at gunpoint. Schools are crumbling,
hospitals inexistent, once wealthy rural areas vacated. I call on Somaliland
government to create a need assessment commission and to follow up with
concrete measures. Our youth should have better hopes that serving as
foot soldiers to the dictatorial fantasies of Abdillahi Yusuf. The road
ahead is long but let’s get started.

Mohamed Sougal


Warkii Ugu Danbeeyey Dagaalkii:: Ciidamada Somaliland Oo 28 Maxbuus Ka Qabsadaay Ciidamada Maleeshiyada Majeerteeniya iyo Dhimashana U geystay


Hargeysa(HWN):-28 Maxbuus ayaa laga soo qabtay Ciidamada Majeerteeniya,tira badan oo kale dhaawac iyo dhimasho isugu jirtana waa loo geystay,kadib markii Saaka abaaro 5:45 subaxnimadii dagaal qadhaadh ay isaga horyimaadeen Ciidamada Maamulka Majeerteeniya iyo Ciidamada Jiida hore ee Somaliland Gudaha iyo Duleedka Magaalada Laas-caanood ee Gobolka Sool.

Sida ay tibaaxayaan Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee naga soo gaadhaya Magaalada Laas-caanood ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyada Majeerteeniya sidoo kale lagaga qabtay dagaalka 15 Baabuurta Dagaalka ee loo yaqaano tignikada. Isla markaana laga saaraya Magaalada Laas-caanood oo ay ku hoydeen Maamulka Garoowe.

Waxaanu warku intaa ku daray inay Ciimada Somaliland ay la wareegeen Gacan ku haynta Magaalada Laas-caanood oo ay ciidamada Somaliland ay ku sugan yihiin Gudaha Magaalada.

Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa dagaalka laga dilay Sadex qof hal lagaga dhaawacay 4 kale, warku wax inta ka faah-faahsan ma sheegin.

Guddomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Sandule ayaa sheegay inay Magaalada laas-caanood degen tahay oo ay ku sugan yihiin gudaha Magaalada.

Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali sandule oo ka hadlayey shir ay ku ku qabteen gudaha Somaliland waxa uu yidhi. “Shirkaa waxaanu u qabanay nabadoona ama cuqaasha magaalada, inaan cid gaara iyo reer gaara aan u jeedo laga lahayn, isla markaana aan la odhan karin Ciidanka Magaalada soo galay inay yihiin reer gaara, kuwan magaalada soo galayna ay la shaqeeyaan” ayuu yidhi Cali Sandule.

Dhinaca kale Magaalooyin Somaliland gaar ahaana Magaalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa ayaa laga soo dhaweeyey qabsashada Ciidanka Somaliland ee Magaalada laas-caanood, taas oo ay dadku ku sababeeyeen iyada oo muddo badan ay Ciidanka Somaliland jiidaasi ku sugnaayeen tanina tahay Guul ay gaadheen Ciidamada Somaliland oo lagu sugay Xuduuda Somailand..

Mustafe Cabdi Maxamed [Mustafe-Janaale]

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Debunking the Mystery Surrounding the NSPU

Debunking the Mystery Surrounding the NSPU

By Ahmed Sulaiman Curi
Monday, October 08, 2007

In the 1960s, many political parties divided along tribal lines held hostage both Somaliland and Somalia. And despite its name which emphasized unity, the United Somali Party USP could not escape from the grip around its neck—the doctrine of tribal loyalty of the ‘60s which still dictates the Somali society. Like any other clan based political party of the ‘60s, the USP was based on a tribal conviction rather than on a national identity; yet it echoed pan-Somalism drums across Somaliland. And surprisingly, 47 years later, another group: Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity NSPU—an offshoot of the USP—echoed yet another questionable unity drums while supporting Abdullahi Yussuf’s quest for tribal hegemony over Somaliland regions, spewing venom towards Somaliland, and receiving funding from foreign spy agencies.

In Somaliland, although many former rivalry tribes of the ‘60s settled their differences, buried their ugly past behind them and formed their own national government, the NSPU, formerly known as USP, remained as ignorant as ever. Oblivious of the facts on the ground, the NSPU without a doubt remained in deep coma. Not only it appeared to be in deep coma, but unlike its sister party USP whose members hailed from Somaliland, the majority of the NSPU cliques including their self-proclaimed “Executive Director”, Gamal Hassan, were born in Somalia, not in Somaliland. (In fact, Mr. Hassan hails from Bosaso, Puntland.)

Worse still, the NSPU spearheaded by Mr. Hassan is far from advocating for Somali unity. Among other reasons, the NSPU is pro-Abudllahi Yussuf’s ambition to achieve a tribal hegemony over Sool and Eastern Sanag of Somaliland. Time and time again, although the NSPU echoes bogus nationalism and pan-Somalism drums, this clique, in fact, favors the creation of tribal fiefdoms in Somaliland. The NSPU resolutely opposes the regions of Sool and Eastern Sanag to remain within the Somaliland parcel. That is, the NSPU chauvinistically supports Abdullahi Yussuf’s notion which very much states: since the people of Puntland share tribal lineages with their “cousins” in Sool and in Eastern Sanag, therefore, these regions must stay within Harti (Majerten, Dhulbahante and Warsangali tribes) tribal kingdom, but not within Somaliland parcel. The NSPU itself states, “…Sanaag, Sool, and Cayn [SSC] have never been within its [Somaliland’s] reach and are firmly in the hands of the State of Puntland…” (1) Also, no one could have done a better job in explaining the NSPU blind allegiance to tribalism and to Abdullahi Yussuf’s mission to change colonial borders into tribal borders than one of its cliques. Amazingly, another NSPU clique, in fact, further sheds new light on what this group is all about as he writes, “Abdalla Hirad and the director of NSPU are from SSC regions as are other members of the team. They also belong to Puntland since SSC is part of it.” (2) [Italics added] Therefore, hiding behind a smoke-screen so as to avoid revealing their real motives, the NSPU cliques fool no one else other than themselves. Keeping the disputed regions within Somaliland—then uniting Somalia and Somaliland is far more logical than dismembering Somaliland on the bases of tribal lineages and at the same time shedding crocodile tears for Somali unity. Clearly, the NSPU cliques are far more loyal to their tribes than to their country.

Without a doubt, the NSPU along with Abdullahi Yussuf make tireless efforts to disintegrate Somaliland into small tribal state. Additionally, despite the number different tribes that call Somaliland home, and despite the fact, Mr. Daahir Riyale Kahin, the democratically elected president of Somaliland hails from Gudabiirsay tribes, still the NSPU labels Somaliland as an Isaqland. However, surprisingly, it [NSPU] doesn’t call Puntland: Majertenland (Majerten—the dominant tribe in Puntland). Nor does the NSPU call Djibouti: Issaland (Issa—the dominant tribe in Djibouti). Isn’t this absurd?

What is even more absurd than the above is the NSPU repeatedly claimed the Somali National Movement SNM coerced the leaders of Sool and Eastern Sanag regions to accept Somaliland independence, in 1991. Is that so? Very unlikely! According to the NSPU, “What happened in Burao cannot … be described as a meeting … the participants were literally coerced into accepting the position of the military wing of the SNM…” (1) [Italics added] Participants who, of course, hailed from Sool and Eastern Sanag regions! Surely, the preceding accusation lacks merit; for one thing, the disputed parts of Sool and Eastern Sanag have been controlled by their local people, not the SNM of the ‘90s. Nor has Somaliland government ever established an effective control in those regions, as NSPU even stated earlier. For another, Graad Saleeban (a tribal chief, and a hard-core supporter of Puntland) who not only hail from Sool region but also participated in the Burao reconciliation meeting did not sign or endorse the Somaliland independence paper. And he is still alive and didn’t get killed by the SNM’s bayonet had he failed to sign the independence paper, as the NSPU contended.

Additionally, there are dozens of MPs who hail from Sool and Eastern Sanag regions in Somaliland parliament. And the government does not hold a gun to their heads and force them to accept Somaliland against their will. These MPs believe that they are in their birth country and its political system—even though it lacks fairness and justice—should be participated in and corrected by their people rather than alienating themselves. Today, some of these MPs and some of their former foes SNM can be found in the opposition parties (KULMIYE and UCID) as well as in the ruling party (UDUB). Isn’t that a miracle? Yet the NSPU, which seems as blind as a bat, does not see this forward push: from clan-based parties to national parties as a progress, but it would rather cling to past events (SNM forces which were dismantled almost two decades ago).

But, while the NSPU still holds grudges against the SNM forces and views the reconciliation process of the 1991 in Burao, Somaliland, as a spectacular hostage-taking operation, surprisingly, the NSPU blindly supports the bogus Somali “reconciliation” meeting—a meeting that ended before it had even begun—in Mogadishu, under the barrels of blazing Ethiopian guns. No way! You bet. The NSPU states, “What you never hear…is …support for the on-going efforts at national reconciliation…” (3) Put another way: the NSPU accuses SNM of forcing the leaders of Sool and Eastern Sanag to sign the Somaliland independence paper in 1991, but today the NSPU is encouraging the same leaders to sign an imaginary reconciliation papers in Mogadishu, under Ethiopia’s—Somalia’s enemy number one—watchful eye. How ironic is that? This is baffling. Talk about hypocrisy!

Meanwhile, the NSPU maintains a small office, in Ottawa. This office serves dual-purpose: it is used as a Qat-house (Mafrish). Then once the Mafrish members consume a huge quantity of Qat (and they all get high, of course), brainstorming begins: barrages of venomous attacks are often unleashed against unwary people of Somaliland. The NSPU cliques, for instance, made desperate attempts to cast aspersions on the dignity of Somaliland leaders. Their hatemongering tactics broke all ethics known to a civilized society when one of the NSPU’s writer wannabes, Abdikarim Ali Xandule, published an “article” entitled, “Somaliland Recognition & Western Gay Activists”. (4) In total disregard towards Islam and Somali culture, he went too far and associated Somaliland leaders with homosexuals. As ignorant as ever, he repeatedly smeared the reputation of Somaliland people. Amazingly, having an innate talent for hurling insults at Somaliland leaders whom he knows nothing about them, Mr. Xandulle honed his skills as stand up hate preacher. However, Mr. Xandulle’s dirty attacks, unknown to the Somali society before, not only against Somaliland leaders but also against individuals like Dr. Abdishakur Jawhar, a well-respected Somaliland psychiatrist and the son of a highly respected Muslim scholar, caught off guard many people. No one, however, thought that the NSPU cliques would sink this low, but as it turned out they respect no bounds.

Their dirty campaign filled with hateful and shameful propaganda has no limits. As a result, their provocative messages send a chill down your spine. Not so long ago, they even put a short hate video together which demonizes sections of Somaliland society. (5) The video portrays Somaliland people as evil, drug addicts, and none-believer worshipers. (See the video for yourself by clicking the link at the bottom.) Ironically, at the same time the clip advocates for Somali unity. Isn’t that something? What a backward mentality?

Much of the NSPU backward message, in fact, incites not only hate but also polarizes the two Somali societies: Somaliland and Somalia. To spur hate among Somalis, the NSPU’s constant filamentary remarks towards Somaliland people continued unabated.

Also, as Somaliland inched closer to recognition, the NSPU seemed flustered. The well-known phobia of Somaliland becoming a sovereign state clouded NSPU’s judgment. Evidently, it made fetish out of Somaliland. And no sooner had the NSPU realized Somaliland was attending the seminar on “Somaliland and the African Union in the Horn of Africa” in Accra, Gana, than the NSPU’s panic alarm went off. Frantically, the NSPU scribbled on scrap pads and fabricated a so-called research paper conducted, of course, in a Mafrish-house in Ottawa. In this paper, the words Isaq, clan, and secessionists were mentioned no less than 231 times. (1) (Do the word-count for yourself.) Usually, almost every paper published by the NSPU is generously sprinkled with worn-out propaganda Isaq, clan, and secessionists —a hail of rubbish—ad nauseam at best, self-destructive and counterproductive as well. However, after you read the NSPU’s paper, you would conclude that certainly the theme was about Isaq, clan, and secessionists. Riddled with fallacious arguments, the NSPU’s “research” paper speaks for itself—venomous diatribes against Somaliland and its people. But does this vomit-worthy clichéd expedite the resurrection of Somali unity? Not in the next 10 million light-years!

To advocate for Somali unity is fine and an opposition to Somaliland’s quest for independence is not a crime either. However, to spew out a load of venom—as in the case of the NSPU—towards Somaliland people is a moral bankruptcy—a paradox to unity efforts. Could the NSPU come up with a better way to further drive a wedge between brotherly people of Somaliland and Somalia while, ironically, at the same time campaigning for Somali unity? This is the conundrum for the NSPU: on one hand, it claims advocating for unity. On the other hand, it has an urge for maliciously attacking Somaliland and constantly spreading disinformation about the country. This pathetic strategy for ill-conceived unity campaign, if anything, lynches the NSPU itself, doesn’t it? One wonders the main objective of the NSPU papers. As it seems though, to the NSPU the word objective remains undefined.

But, while the NSPU’s objective remains undefined its unequivocal loyalty to foreign-imposed Somali regime—of course under false pretences of supporting Mogadishu’s “peace” meeting—remains unquestionable. Nor is there a doubt about its [NSPU] admiration for Ethiopia. As a zealot supporter of the belligerent and hell-bent warlord Abuddlahi Yussuf (a.k.a the butcher of Mogadishu), Mr. Hassan (the Executive Director wannabe of the NSPU) recently published an article entitled, “The naked hypocrisy of TFG bashers”, and he labeled the Islamic Court Union ICU as a terrorist organization financed by foreigners. In his article, he wrote, “The clano-religious bandits were…spreading mayhem long before Ethiopia came to the scene to aid a sister state [Somalia] in thwarting attacks from... well financed, and armed rebellion…directed from abroad.” (3) [Emphasis added]

Excuse my shameful ignorance—enlighten me please! Since when did Ethiopia become the “sister” state of Somalia? If Ethiopia were the “sister” state of Somalia, then Israel would certainly be the “sister” state of Palestine as well. Contrary to popular belief, Ethiopia and Somalia fought since 1280 (6). And recently, a U.N report confirmed Ethiopia used deadly chemicals—White Phosphorus—against Somali civilians in Mogadishu. The report states, “Ethiopian military forces resorted to using white phosphorus bombs … approximately 15…fighters and 35 civilians were killed.” (7) [Italics added]

Worse yet, the Ethiopian regime that the NSPU painted as the “sister” state of Somalia happened to be the same Ethiopia that—in the past two years alone—slaughtered thousands of Somalis, raped thousand of Somali women, burned dozens of Somali villages, and looted the Somalis’ properties both in Somalia and in Ogadenia. Additionally, another report published by Amnesty International detailed the brutality of the Ethiopian regime. As Amnesty International states, “Ethiopia's army had indiscriminately bombarded highly populated areas, targeted and looted hospitals, and summarily executed civilians.” (8)[Italics added] Yet again, this was the Ethiopia that the NSPU and Mr. Hassan called the “sister” state of Somalia. Baffling! Have you ever heard more absurd things than this? Of course not! But Mr. Hassan is not alone in his unequivocal support for Ethiopia. Also, another staunch supporter of Abdullahi Yussuf, named Abdalla Hirad —another NSPU member—vehemently denies that Ethiopia is occupying Somalia. In one of his articles, he states, “… they [I.C.Us] resent the fact that Ethiopia, an old enemy of Somalia, is occupying the country—a false claim, indeed.” (9) [Italics added] Incredible! Clearly, Mr. Hassan and his collogue, Abdalla Hirad, can best be described as worthless national traitors—a fifth column. Yet they shed a river of crocodile tears for Somali unity while they shamelessly support the occupation of Somalia by Ethiopia. Paradoxically, too often, most tribal-minded Somalis as well as least loyal to their country somehow manage to shed more crocodile tears for Somali unity—a unity they would readily sell to Ethiopia—than thunderclouds could spill rains. Surely, painting a rosy picture of Ethiopia’s brutal incursion into Somalia where the nation’s capital, Mogadishu, remains in ruins not only adds insult to injury but also sheds light on the NSPU member’s other activities. Evidently their loyalty to Ethiopia remains unquestionable. But as their loyalty congeals, it soon reveals their true colors.

That is, their hardly known clandestine operations deep inside savagely butchered nation of Somalia, truly summarizes what this coterie is all about. Surprisingly, Ethiopia is not the only regime which they are affiliated to; they are also listed in the payroll of foreign spy agencies. Recently, the NSPU cliques have been awarded a “prestigious” position as one of their members boasted of it. How did it begin? A report published by the Canadian Security Agency accused many Somalis in Canada of supporting the I.C.U— “the ghost terrorists”. (10) However, what many Somalis were not aware of was much of the data, including the names of the suspects, their profession, their e-mails, their tribes, their political affiliations as well as their regions of origin in Somalia were provided by none other than the NSPU ring. Furthermore, shortly before the collapse of the I.C.U, two unidentified members of the NSPU flew to Mogadishu not to rescue the fallen city but to identify as many of its Somali-Canadians residents who were later falsified as “Al-Qaeda” sympathizers. And no sooner had the two liaisons landed in Mogadishu, than many Somali-Canadians faced grim reality of betrayal by their fellow Somalis.

Meanwhile, far away from Mogadishu, here in Ottawa, because of the NSPU informers in the Somalia Diasporas, hundreds of Somali-Canadians who resolutely opposed a foreign-imposed Somali regime, which has been parachuted into their country by foreign powers, were classified as Al-Qaeda supporter. As a result, the Canadian Security Agencies launched massive, perhaps warrantless, secret wiretaps and searches targeted against Somali community. Furthermore, it was no secret either way before the Mogadishu war crimes began members of the NSPU received salaries from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS. Some members also worked as paid informants for the local Canadian police. And I bet you they still do.

Moreover, currently, it is also a well-known fact the NSPU pays weakly visits to the Ethiopian embassy, and provides bits and piece of information to the Ethiopians. Also, back in Mogadishu, many of the Somali-Canadians—including a seven-month old baby (11)—ended up in the Ethiopian torture chambers—the Guantanamo Bay of Africa—where the lucky ones paid a fortune, $5000 ransom per person, for their freedom. Thanks to the betrayal of the NSPU. Yet, while the NSPU spied on unwary innocent Somalis, so insidiously, it laid another trap—a deceptive cobweb—disguised as unity. And despite the NSPU’s hollow mantra of Somali nationalism, evidently the NSPU secretly collaborates with Ethiopia. Clearly the NSPU’s action contradicts its nationalism rhetoric. So much for its fake lip-services to unity, undoubtedly, the NSPU is nothing more than a clandestine group on the payroll of foreign spy agencies.

To sum up, clearly, there is more to the NSPU rants than meets the eye. And unity does not come as easy as the NSPU wishes. Surely, also unity won’t be achieved while groups like the NSPU are so deeply aligned with Abdullhai Yussuf’s mission for greater tribal fiefdom, but not for greater Somalia. Nor will unity be achieved while Somaliland people constantly being attacked, smeared and demonized by cliques of hate-mongers like the NSPU group. And unleashing preemptive barrages of defamatory remarks and vicious attacks towards Somalilanders are not popularity contests, but they are counter-productive, unethical and immoral. Additionally, whether the NSPU cliques like it or not, Ethiopia has never been the “sister” state of Somalia and will never be one either (sorry to burst your bubble). Words cannot convey how much painting Ethiopia as the “sister” of Somalia has infuriated the Somali people in general and in particular the family members of the victims whom Ethiopia butchered in Mogadishu—in their backyards. Furthermore, for now, the NSPU may enjoy the cash it receives from foreign organizations, however; it should be aware the interests of foreign spay agencies in the Somali community here in Canada may fade away soon like the scent of cheap clones, but the Somali-Canadians are here to stay. Also, as history will attest the occupation of Somalia—where the land mourns and the oceans rage with anger—will run its course. And the wounded national pride of the nomads will bounce back.

The author can be reached at


1. Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity (NSPU), 18 May 2006

2. Mahad, Mohsin, 24 August 2007

3. Hassan, Gamal, 18 June 2007

4. Xandule, Abdikarim, 15 June 2007

5. Nala Daawada Somaliland & SNM, 17 August 2007

6. Alinur, Said, 17 Jan 2007

7. Smith, Brian, 13 August 2007

8. Cawthorne, Andrew, 13 August 2007

9. Hirad, Abdalla, 09 September 2007

10. Bell, Stewart, 25 July 2007

11. Mitchell, Anthony, 04 April 2007

Dowladda Embagathi oo sheegtay in gobollada Sool iyo Sanaag maamul ka madax bannaan Puntland iyo Somaliland loo sameynayo

hadhwanaag 2007-10-07 (Hadhwanaagnews) Muqdisho(HWN) Dowladda Embagathi ayaa shaaca ka qaadday inay maamul ka madax bannaan maamullada Somaliland iyo Puntland u sameynayso gobollada Sool iyo Sanaag.

Wasiirka arrimaha Jaaliyadaha iyo dib u heshiisiinta dowladda Embagathi Maxamed Cabdi Xayir (Maareeye) ayaa sheegay in Somaliland iyo Puntland ay faragelin ku hayaan arrimaha Gobolladaas, oo sida uu yiri aysan wax shaqo ah ku laheyn labada dhinacba.

Maareeye oo isagu heyb ahaan ka soo jeeda degaanka gobolka Sool ayaa waxa uu intaasi raaciyay in ay ka go'an tahay dowladda Embagathi meel marinta qorshaha Federaalka ee Xukuumadda Embagathi lagu soo unkay isla markaana gobolladaasi loo dhisayo maamulo sida uu sheegay aan shaqo ku yeelan doonin Somaliland iyo Puntland.

Maxamed Cabdi Xayiri Maareeye waxa uu ugu baaqay siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaal dhaqameedyada ka soo jeeda gobolladaasi inay la soo xiriiraan dowladda Embagathi si ay uga wada arrinsadaan qaabkii maamul madax bannaan loogu dhisi lahaa gobolladaas.

=Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo digniin culus u jeediyay labo ka mid ah Guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka maamulka Embagathi ee Gobolka Banaadir

Muqdisho(HWN) Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho ee maamulka Embagathi ayaa maanta qoraal digniin ah oo uu ka soo saaray xafiiskiisa magaalada Muqdisho wuxuu ku eedeeyay guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka C/casiis iyo Shingaani inay howlahooda ka gaabiyeen.

Maxamed Dheere ayaa wuxuu ku eedeeyay guddoomiyeyaashaas inaysan howlahooda gudan ayna ka digtoonaadaan howlgudasho la’aanta ay wadaan, isagoo xusay in laga qaadi doono xilalka ay hayaan, lana marsiin doono sharciga.

Waa markii ugu horreysay oo uu Maxamed Dheere hanjabaado digniin ah u jeediyo qaar ka mid ah Guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir, isagoo horey ugu sheegay Guddoomiyeyaasha gobolka Banaadir ninkii howlgudasho la’aan lagu soo eedeeyo inuu tallaabo ka qaadayo, taasoo digniintan uu maanta soo saaray marqaati ay u noqoneyso.

Dhinaca kale Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa soo saaray wareegto uu ku amray inay Gaadiidleyda ay Taariko u samaystaan Gaadiidkooda sida ugu dhaqsaha badan, inta ka horreyso bishan 10-keeda.

=Ciidamada Itoobiya oo 4 ruux ku dhaawacay Muqdisho kadib markii bam lagu weeraray

Muqdisho(HWN)4 ruux oo rayid ah ayay ciidamada Itoobiyaanku dhaawac ugu geysteen xaafadda Suuqa Xoolaha degmada Huriwaa ee magaalada Muqdisho kadib markii ciidamadaasi oo lagu weeraray Bam gacmeed ay jawaab rasaas ah ka bixiyeen.

Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo howlgallo ka fulinayay xaafadda Suuqa xoolaha ee magaalada Muqdisho ayay kooxo ka soo horjeeda joogitaanka ciidamadaas ee dalka Soomaaliya ku weerareen bam gacmeedyo dhowr ah, kuwaasoo aan la ogeyn khasaaraha ka soo gaaray ciidamadaa, balse rasaas xooggan oo ay fureen ayay afar ruux oo rayid ah oo goobta ka dhaweyd ku dhaaweceen, kuwaasoo Isbitaal mar dambe loola cararay.

Qaraxyadaas iyo tacshiiraddaa kadib ayaa waxaa istaagay howlihii ganacsi ee suuqa xoolaha inkastoo markii dambe ay furmeen oo caadi ay ku soo laabatay isu socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka ee xaafaddaas.

Dhinaca kale Ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska dowladda Embagathi ayaa howllo ay ku baarayeen Gaadiid ka waday maanta isgoyska warshadda Taraqa iyo Sigaarka, iyagoo aan baareynin dadka, balse baarayay gaadiidka dadweynaha oo qura.

=Taliyihii Nabadsugidda degmada Wadajir ee maamulka Embagathi oo dil toogasho ah lagu qaarijiyey

Muqdisho(HWN) Habeenkii xalay ahaa ayay kooxo hubeysan oo aan la garan waxay toogasho ku dileen Taliyihii Nabadsugidda ee degmada Wadajir ee maamulka Embagathi oo lagu magacaabi jiray Axmed Xareed.

Kooxda dilka ninka geystay oo aan la garan ayaa la sheegay inay ka baxsadeen goobta ay dilka ku geysteen, iyadoo sida warku sheegayo ninka ay toogteen aanu hore ka dhiman, balse isagoo dhaawac ah loola cararay Isbitaalka Madiina ee magaalada Muqdisho, wallow inta aan Isbitaalka la gaarsiin uu bartamaha ku sii geeriyooday, isagoo meyd ahna gurigiisa lagu soo celiyey.

Dilalka xubnaha u shaqeeya dowladda Embagathi ayaa Muqdisho si xawli ah uga socday iyadoo shalay iyo dorraad ilaa saddex ka tirsan xubno u shaqeeya dowladda Embagathi lagu dilay magaalada Muqdisho.

Somalia: TFG vs. Somaliland Showdown in Disputed Sool

Somalia: TFG vs. Somaliland Showdown in Disputed Sool

In early 2005, as soon as Abdullahi Yussuf was parachuted into the presidential seat in Baidabo, Somalia, defeating the Islamic Court Union ICU and warlords in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, seemed to be in his priority. However, the Mogadishu battle was just a smokescreen to hide his real motive. The ultimate fight! From the get go, a showdown between the Transitional "Federal" Government of Somalia TFG and Somaliland seemed inevitable. And no sooner has Mr. Yussuf barely quelled his opponents in Mogadishu, of course while he hid behind the Ethiopian tanks, than he has daringly attempted to expand his authority into Somaliland territory. No time wasted! But who is going to fight for him this time?

Recently, Mr. Yussuf not only opened an immigration office which would soon issue Somali passports and traveling documents to travelers, in Laasannod (the provincial capital of the disputed Sool region, in Somaliland), but he also sent thousands of the TFG troops stationed in central Somalia to Sool in order to test Somaliland’s strength. As a result, although rarely reported by the media, a showdown between Somaliland and the TFG troops has been looming on the horizon for past few months. So as the battle fields grow so are the minefields. Thousands of troops from both sides with their deadly weapons flooded the region. An interview with widhwidhonline radio (a pro-TFG radio), a Puntland frontline commander even confirmed the TFG forces have been fighting along Puntland’s in Sool region. The commander states, "The Darawhish (Puntland militias) and the TFG forces are battling against Somaliland troops." Also, according to radiowidhwidh, "Heavily armed TFG forces from the central regions of Somalia have been pouring into the battle fields in Sool and fighting against Somaliland troops." Furthermore, wardheernews website also reported the influx of the TFG troops pouring into Sool region. Additionally, a Puntland website reports, "The fight between Somaliland and Puntland troops has been the heaviest yet." What is going on? If Puntland forces were supposedly spread throughout Southern Somalia to protect Mr.Yussuf "a former warlord of Puntland and now the president wannabe of Somalia"then the mind-boggling question is: where did these new and heavily armed troops come from?

During the Mogadishu massacre in which over 2000 citizens were slaughtered by the brutal Ethiopian troops, Gen. Adde Musse, the current president of Puntland, signed an agreement with Mr. Yussuf in the battered capital. And despite the chaos and mass civilian {blocked}ings in the city, for Abdullahi Yussuf and for Gen. Adde Musse (cousins of shame) it was business as usual. Nothing to worry about! In this agreement, the entire Puntland forces would operate under the TFG's scrutiny, but if need be these forces would be deployed to the battle fields in the disputed regions of Sool and Eastern Sanag.

So, in April, 2007 when Somaliland and Puntland forces were locked into a deadly battle for control of Dhahar, a small town in Eastern Sanag region, the Prime Minster of Somalia, Mr. Geedi, quickly flew to Bossaso, the capital of Puntland, and not only expressed his unequivocal support for Puntland but also, as reinforcement, he deployed a fresh batch of the TFG troops from Mogadishu to Puntland. And once again, in light of Sool crisis, the TFG deployed thousands of heavily armed forces to another prone-conflict area—Laasanod, the provincial capital of Sool. So in essence, the TFG and Puntland forces are one and the same. These forces are led by Mr. Yussuf who, in the first place, invaded Sool region in 2003, and Gen. Adde Musse who is now left to carry the legacy of Mr. Yussuf. Surely enough, these forces received much needed training and weapons, so war will inevitably engulf the region soon.

Much of the training provided for Puntland militias disguised as the new Somali National Army SNA was based on clan loyalty. In the heat of battle and clan politics loyalty is crucial, so is the U.S. support. Since the ill-conceived U.S. sponsored plan to lift the UN arms embargo imposed on Somalia succeeded, the new SNA (predominantly former Puntland militias) received lots of weapons from Ethiopia, Yemen and other players. Having much needed logistics, i.e. superior military machines and the backing of International funding, these heavily equipped but barley disciplined and remotely motivated SNA or TFG forces finally gained some confidence to attack Somaliland forces which they previously considered a formidable army.

On the other hand, Somaliland has had its arms tied behind its back. The arms embargo is still imposed on it, however; it luckily lost few soldiers for the past 17 years, and its field commanders are mainly from former SNA forces of during Gen. Siad Barre’s era. (By the way, the rest of the former SNA commanders in Mogadishu were assassinated one by one before the invasion of Ethiopia. No wonders there!) Without a doubt, the Somaliland Army is highly disciplined and well trained. Not to mention, the army maintains a high moral standards consistently. But the unfair arms embargo against Somaliland as well as the absence of millions of dollars from the so-called International community would compel the troops to fight their hands tied behind their back. Nonetheless, make no mistake—as history attests, they would pose to be a formidable army. Now another question comes to mind: who instigated the latest fight in Sool?

Though the latest flare-up in Sool was the result of two opposing local militias from Sool region as reported by the BBC, nonetheless, Puntland and TFG regimes sought this conflict as an opportunity to distort the reality on the ground and to test Somaliland’s defense capability. As part of Mr. Yussuf and Gen. Adde Musse’s grand strategy, while the Ethiopian forces quell the upraising against the TFG and the occupation itself, the TFG forces would continue provoking Somaliland, at the same time the terrorist card would be played exhaustively to draw the attention of gullible Americans.

Shamelessly, the TFG and Puntland have over-played the terrorist card. (Surely, by now George Bush is saying, “Hell with your terrorist crap, it never works”). During the battled between Somaliland and Puntland forces, in Dhahar, Eastren Sanag, Mr. Geedi, while in Bosaso, accused Somaliland of harboring terrorists and attacking Puntland. He states, "The conflict in Dhahar is the work of the terrorists"the Islamic Court Union and Somaliland forces who want to destabilize Puntland and the TFG." As part of his rescue efforts, Mr. Geedi is once again in Puntland to prop up support for the war in Sool region where he is expected to spit out nails and label Somaliland as a safe heaven for terrorists. Maybe out of either pure frustration or sheer ignorance, Mr. Geedi " a die-hard Ethiopian stooge" reflexively tantamount everything, including bird droppings, to an act of terrorism.

Also, in these latest fights, Puntland quickly accused the Somali Liberation group—whom both the TFG and the Puntland authorities consider a terrorist group "formed in Eritrea and Somaliland of attacking Sool region. Ever wonder if the TFG"Puntland quisling leaders would give up their terrorist crap? It is all about: terrorists! terrorists! terrorists! But no vision! Sadly enough, with their spectacular belly-dances they shamelessly continue entertaining the U.S. and voluntarily keep recycling its regurgitated vomit-worthy propaganda of war on ghost terrorists.

Finally, despite enjoying the International backing, the TFG is obviously committing suicide by attacking Somaliland. But Hargaisa (Somaliland capital) won’t give up an inch of its territory, nor will it budge on its quest for International recognition.

Paradoxically, in its efforts to promote democracy and to fight against terrorism, the International community inadvertently continues to destabilize Somaliland not only for withholding its recognition but also by providing arms and resources to the TFG.

Clearly, the majority of the TFG forces are former Puntland militias because Gen. Adde himself singed an agreement, which placed the entire Puntland militias under the TFG's command, with Mr. Yussuf. Now these combined forces (former Puntland militias and TFG's non-Puntland forces) are used as a bulwark against Somaliland forces. So, it does not require a rocket scientist to figure out the thousands of heavily armed forces from the central region of Somalia that have been pouring into Sool region, as reported by various sources, belong to the TFG. Undoubtedly, the presence of the TFG troops in Sool and opening an immigration office in Laasanod confirms the TFG ultimate goal—creating chaos in Somaliland.

Interestingly enough, no immigration offices has been opened in Bossaso or in Garowe (major Putland cities), but opening one in the heart of a conflict-prone area like Laasanod seemed more appealing to the TFG. That is, provoking and destabilizing Somaliland is in the TFG’s top priority list.

As for Mr. Geedi's poorly rehearsed terrorism propaganda, from the start, he voluntarily jumped on the bandwagon of war on imagined "terrorists" (but he evidently landed on the wrong side) and desperately attempted to ingratiate with the U.S. He constantly screams so loud and shrill, the typical crying wolf. But his pathetic transparent lies and shameless fear-mongering tactics now made him more of a nuisance than an alliance.

By Dalmar Kaahin