Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lascanood, a month later

Lascanood, a month later

A month has passed since Laaska was freed from Puntland occupation forces on October 16, 2007. And following today events, Somaliland national army have successfully cleaned Sool from all Puntland militia remnants. Although Lascanood had been free too short a time to see its achievements fairy assessed, we can however see if my hometown is finally heading in the right direction.

The first few days were undoubtedly hard; first the school closures decided by governor Sandulle in order to protect schoolchildren had the reverse effect to spill scores of disaffected young men into the streets. Businesses therefore, too scared to proceed, were effectively shut down, putting the entire economic activity to a standstill. Meanwhile, the constant bellicose propaganda of RadioGarowe was particularly remarkable in driving elders and women from the city. Day in and day out, Puntland media drove up the chest beating rhetoric, promising a victorious return of their ragtag militia. Even if Lascanood freedom fighters and Somaliland forces have nothing to fear from those who ran faster that the legendary Abdi Bille less that a month ago, the relentless and unchallenged clan based hatred spewing often hit a nerve among the vulnerable population and cemented an atmosphere of simmering tension.

A month after, the situation is noticeably better. Businesses have reopened, Lascanood main road has been cleared and the trade route to Aynabo and Burco is back to its normal volume.
The security situation is the best it has been in years. All this was achieved despite the frequent attempts of Puntland to stir up trouble:

First, women and teenagers had been encouraged to set up roadblocks and to use weapons without the necessary knowledge. Sool famous website was recently reporting how Lascanood women and children have been dubbed Puntland first battalion (Gutaada Kowaad) by a bunch of hate driven expatriates. This real act of utmost cowardice is unfortunately not surprising coming from the very same Puntland army too much accustomed to killing innocent armed civilians in Lascanood. On a deeper level, by encouraging this reckless behavior, the Puntland leadership that repudiated Xaabsade for mediating between warring factions in Buhoodle, is showing once again its tota; contempt for SSC security situation.

Secondly, Puntland is trying to hijack the elders meeting in Boocame and making a mockery of this critical reunion for the SSC community. Unable to confront Somaliland militarily, Puntland is transforming what was supposed to be a traditional meeting, into a tug of war with Somaliland. False reports have filled by RadioGarowe reporting alleged attempts by Somaliland to prevent elders from reaching Boocame. Others elders were shamefully briefed in Garowe and asked to call for an immediate and all out clan war in Lascanood. And in contravention of Garaad Jamaac formal request to prevent further clashes in Sool, Puntland militia set up a military build up in Tuko-Raq mainly aimed at disrupting the serene atmosphere of the Boocame meeting.

On the political front, Puntland continues to misrepresent the unfolding of events in Lascanood. First, the farcical Adde Musse took to the airwaves with often contradictory messages. According to comical Adde, one day Lascanood was attacked by Asmara, the next day Dirta Waqooyi (whatever it might mean) were to blame. In his latest interview, Adde Musse once again reversed position and contended that Somaliland could not set foot in Lascanood (whatever it might mean) and that Puntland was chased away by disgruntled local militia. On the same topic, the ineffable president of Puntland Parliament was recently arguing that his army defeat in Lascanood was finally a good thing because it would allow his forces to go as far as Hargeisa and Burco and bring Somaliland back into Somalia federal system. Coming from a man who had to flee Garowe and seek refuge into Eastern Sanaag because Adde Musse militia were performing a routine clan cleansing, I am sure that this will send shivers up Somaliland forces spines.

Compared to this reckless and laughable sabre rattling coming from Garowe, I must confess that I am proud of the way Sool political intelligentsia is handling the situation. All the would-be child soldiers used by Garowe in its absurd proxy war have been taken off the streets and are back on school benches; those wounded by their unknowledgeable manning of guns received a prompt medical treatment and governor Ali Sandulle made a point of personally contacting the families of all the teenagers involved in recent incidents. In a notoriously violent city, the governor, with the help of Somaliland national forces, has taken successful steps towards building an effective and professional municipal police. In other developpements, governor Sandulle is skillfully working on expanding Somaliland administration into new regions; as late as yesterday, the governor was convening with elders from Gabadhe and the border town of Tuko-Raq. Meanwhile, Xaasbsade is touring the region, taking steps to avert any conflicts, had received a tremendous welcome in Kalabaydh and Darkengeyo. In his latest twist, Puntland is trying to set up some Sool sub clans against the others, and Xaabsade by playing host to countless elders meetings as he has recently done in Buhoodle is trying to prevent fighting among SSC subclans. Furthermore, his patient work is producing political dividends since the majority of ex Puntland police and municipal civil servants are now backing the new Somaliland built institutions. At the same time Colonel Dhakool is working from Buhoodle and succeeded in spearheading Somaliland efforts towards Lascanood refugees. Recent reports confirm that the majority of them already returned home.

On a more political front, Fuad Adde Cadde went from Xuddur to Taleex leading a need assessment team. Bashe was from and center in the mission headed by Siciid Sulub and reccuring rumors are sending him into the presidency of Somaliland House of Representatives or Senate. Finally I was heartened to see Qaybe, using his tremendous experience and knowledge, outlining a course of action for the future of my province. SSC chief political statesman repeatedly berated Puntland for once again playing the tribal card and similarly disparaged Siadists wild card by insisting on the fact that Lascanood was effectively ruled by locals for the benefit of the local population. In his address Qaybe invited Somaliland politicians not to take lightly the frequent efforts by Puntland to tribalize the events and to talk about a clan based land grab. According to Qaybe, in some cases, time will needed to overcome suspicion among locals overflowed by this tribal propaganda.

Finally, stars are aligning and Sool political heavy weigh are pulling in the same direction. After five years of neglect, Laasconood is a devastated city, inextricably associated with violence. No running water, no hospital, no roads, few crumbling schools. When every Somaliland district can boast of their university, Lascanood is left with no postsecondary education. Recovery will not be an easy task and drawing on the concerted efforts of all Sool leaders is the avenue for Laascanood.

Mohamed Sougal

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