Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pro Puntland Lascanoders should stop insulting the great people of Awdal

Pro Puntland Lascanoders should stop insulting the great people of Awdal

Following the recent events in Lascanood, major Pro Puntland Lascanoders website have begun to shed the mask and show their tribal hatred mindset. While other Somaliland clans are not immune, wave of tribal bashing is primarilay aimed at Awdalites. As recently as today, Pro Puntland Lascanoders biggest website, was referring to Awdalites as HUUNADA

This Awdal bashing has started in earnest lat November abbd171632b

When has started calling Awdalites Huuno and has increased since then. All major Pro Puntland Lascanoders websites has joined the fray, by publishing a series of particularly disgusting anti Awdal cartoons by an idiot called Ina Dhoolo. Here is on example of the dozen of hate laden cartoons

As a Lascanoders, I feed deeply hurt that the only Somali websites engaging in tribal name calling are the ones displaying a Sool name. In Pro Puntland Lascanoders websites, Idoor and Huuno are daily occurrences. The ironic part is that these websites are owned by members of so called unity groups like NSPU.

Finally, I would like to tell the great people of Awdal that these silly name callings do not represent the general view of Lascanoders but only the last gasp of tribal minded groups like NSPU. Far from deserving these insults, Awdalites are to be commended for their achievements and a shining example for other Somaliland regions.

Mohamed Sougal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never though that the word "Huuno
or Huunada" was an offense for Awdal people. I have never mentioned Awdal or Awdal people in
my political cartoons. Awdal people
has nothing to do with your dirty
politics of dividing our great country SOMALIA.We are targeting Ina Riyale and whoever sends any Hunno/dabacayuun militias to our part of the country.
Furthermore, why are using the term
"Siadists".Did you forget that Siyad Barre was the one who made for you the Awdal region. I never
thought you were so ignorent about your history.If you want to break from Somalia you have all the rights but please don't force me to follow you because we have nothing
in common.
Political cartooning is an art,so
if you can't produce any artist in you large s/land community you have to bear the burden of watching my " cartoons"