Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sool: Open Letter to Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac

Dear Graad,

It is a well-known fact that the region of Sool is the least developed part of Somaliland. While an intensive study would be worthwhile, among all the diverse causes explaining why the situation in Sool is more desperate than ever, the leadership of the region remains the elephant in the room.

In any event, as a native Las-Anooder that I am, you may be predisposed to hearing my lamentations on this matter.(Laas-Anood: the capitla of Sool region.) Like all Las-Anooders abroad, I was extremely thrilled by your crowning last year; who else could build much needed communication channel between the region and Somaliland, and at the same time get the Diaspora more involved in rebuilding of our region? Our region has been facing pressing issues and it takes a man with vision and great influence to bring about the changes we need.

However, immediately after your crowning my hopes were dashed to the ground because the fact Puntland authorities ruined your installation by playing a tug-of-war with Somaliland, and with the former ICU. You may hear some small-town politicians from Garowe bullying your host, but you won't hear the elders from Hargeisa talking or any political talks regarding your installation from Somaliland. But as unfortunate as it sounds: the Puntland that deemed the burial of our late Garaad as unworthy of their presence were adding insult to injury by shamefully politicizing this centuries-old traditional ceremony. Your response, dear Garaad, was to speak out against the total lack of ceremonialism which was completely appalling. Instead of notifying and summoning the Garowe schizophrenic dictator, you folded like a cheap bag. Moreover, a week later, you embarked on an embarrassing region tour with a no-name Puntland minister, and made yourself the receiving end of a cheap propaganda stunt.

Dear Garaad, this subservient attitude you have showed Puntland made our people hostages for ProSomaliweyn groups who often leave us in the dust when they reach their goals. A case in point would be Abdullahi Yussuf.

Granted, my dear Garaad, Sool is particularly hospitable to political intrigues and divided loyalties, since many residents are subscribed to different administrations. But you have the advantage of first hand knowledge, and the guiding principles of our former Garaad. Nothing else could have given outward testimony to the value of the late Garaad leader who in fact kept both Puntland and Somaliland political maneuvers at bay, while keeping communication bridges open. Unfortunately, there is a considerable doubt and much discussion as to whether you could hold this tenuous balance, and observe closely this strange power taboos that you have inherited from our former Garaad, without further isolating the region.

As history attests, our leaders have always been referred to as visionary who were beyond short-term political gains by their admirers. Without a doubt, there is plenty of evidence to support such assertion. And while your predecessor would have fought with considerable energy and determination to address Buhoodle and Cagaare crisis, you decided to visit endless towns in Europe (sometimes only an hour apart). Maybe instead of holding meetings with Somalia Diasporas, you should have mediated our warring tribes back home. You were needed the most in Buhoodle and in Cagaare, not in Birmingham and in Cardiff.

Your ten-month long visit abroad only entertained all disgruntled Siyadists languishing on Abdillahi Yusuf and waiting to be included in the list of future diplomatic postings.

Dear Garaad, as Somalis say, "Ninkii tiisa daryeela ayaa tukale ku dara". Our people must not worry about displaying huge Somali flags in community centers; instead they must address the never-ending problems facing our region.

I hope you take the lead.

With my utmost respect
Mohamed Sougal


Anonymous said...

Why do they always welcome him with furniture used for wedding parties?

Anonymous said...

waryaa nacas, garaadka waa nin u dhaxeeya umadda somaliyeed, kuna dhaartey united somaliya inay tahay mid muqadas ah. arintan somali diidka iidoorland ee aad garaadka ka daba wado, waxaan ku oran lahaa waa kuu caqli xumo, waan la socdaa inaad adigu tahay nin iidoor ah iska dhigaya nin darood harti ah kana yimid sool sanaag cayn.

adeer iidoorland wax u qabo hargeysa burco caruurta xitaa ma heeysaan biyo nadiif ah. iskuulo ma jiraan, dadkaa wax u qabo, sool sanaag and cayn harti darood somaliya united kuuma baahna